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How Does Bias In Performance Management Affect The Employee Engagement Levels

Performance Management is an important aspect of human resource management. It is the process of measuring and evaluating an employee’s performance to ensure that they are meeting their goals and objectives. This can include setting goals, providing feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and rewarding successful employees. Nowadays, many business performance management solutions help employers identify areas where employees need more training or support, as well as recognize those who are doing well and reward them accordingly.


Performance Management can be affected by various types of bias that may lead to unfair decisions. These biases can include cognitive bias, confirmation bias, halo effect, and many more. By understanding the different types of bias in performance management, organizations can take steps to reduce them and make sure that their employees are given the same opportunities to succeed.

Recency Bias occurs when a manager or supervisor evaluates an employee’s performance based on their most recent work rather than on their overall performance throughout the year.

Proximity Bias is when a manager or supervisor evaluates an employee’s performance based on how close they are to them personally or professionally. 

Gender Bias occurs when a manager or supervisor makes decisions about an employee based on their gender instead of their skills and qualifications. 

Similar-To-Me Bias occurs when a manager or supervisor makes decisions about an employee based on how similar they are to them in terms of background, race, religion etc., instead of basing it solely on merit.

The Halo Effect is when people form a general opinion about a person based on one trait or characteristic.


Demotivation & Lack of Productivity

When there is bias in performance management, it can have a negative impact on employee morale and motivation. Bias in performance management can lead to unfair evaluations, which can make employees feel like their efforts are not being recognized or appreciated. It can also lead to a feeling of unfairness among employees who may feel that they are being judged based on factors unrelated to their performance. This can have a demotivating effect on employees and lead to decreased productivity.

Poor Team Collaboration & Dynamics

When performance management is biased, it can create an environment of mistrust and resentment among team members, as they feel like their hard work is not being properly recognized or rewarded. This can lead to a lack of trust and collaboration between team members, as well as a lack of motivation and morale, which in turn affects the overall team’s effectiveness.

Unfair Evaluations and Inequitable Treatment

Performance management biases can have a significant impact on the fairness of evaluations and the treatment of employees. These biases can lead to an inaccurate assessment of an employee’s performance, resulting in a lack of recognition for their efforts or even punishing them for mistakes they may not have made. All these severely impact employees’ motivation and loyalty towards the organisation. 


Performance management is a key element of any successful organisation, but it can be difficult to ensure that bias does not creep into the process. Organizations need to be aware of these potential biases and take steps to address them before they become a problem. By using the best performance management systems for small companies and implementing strategies such as blind reviews, regular feedback sessions, and objective assessment criteria, organizations can ensure that their performance management system is fair and equitable for all parties involved.

Need help with unbiased Performance Management?

CATALYST by Phi EGDE can help! Our Business Performance Management Software provides comprehensive performance insights, measures key performance indicators, and helps you create unbiased performance management processes. With our user-friendly dashboard, you can easily track progress and identify areas for improvement. Thousands of businesses have already implemented CATALYST Software with great success – join them today and make sure your team is performing at its best!

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